Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (December 2019)

Time flies. We are nearing the end of a decade. Nonetheless, we’re not ending to share good stuff with our fellow web developers. In this round of the series, we have carefully curated some tools, a handful of JavaScript libraries, and a couple of new CMS platforms. Without further ado let’s see the full list below.

Vue.js Interactive Paycard

A Vue.js library that allows you to build UI for credit card input form. As you type in the input, it can immediately identify the type of your card whether it’s Visa, MasterCard, or Amex. It looks fancy and quite smart.

Vue.js Interactive PaycardVue.js Interactive Paycard


KeystoneJS is modern CMS built with Node.js and a superior GraphQL support. KeystoneJS provides an extensive API to build the CMS of your own. You can add custom fields, field adapters, and authentication as well as configure the access limit.



MermaidJS is a JavaScript library in its own category. With MermaidJS, you can create flowcharts and diagrams using just a Markdown-like syntax. It’s a really cool idea!



Git is installed with its git CLI. Although the git CLI is really powerful, it is, in many cases, not quite intuitive to use. LazyGit provides an intuitive UI on the Terminal to operate with Git. You can view the modified files, status, stash, list of branches and diff.


React Table

A React.js library to create table easily. It also provides interactivity to the table in which you can add pagination to navigate long list of table, sorting, drag-n-drop interface, resizing, grouping and filtering, and set editable data.

React TableReact Table

Clean Code JavaScript

A collection of good advice to write clean JavaScript codes adapted from Robert C. Martin’s book Clean Code. Clean JavaScript codes make the code more readable. It’s also easier to review as it’s easier to understand how the code works at a glimpse.

Clean Code JavaScriptClean Code JavaScript

WP Plugin Deploy repository is using SVN host and handle the plugin versioning. We mostly are now using Git to manage and host our code, so converting our repository to SVN to deploying is a lot hassle. WP Plugin Deploy aims to make this process easier through the new Github Action.

WP Plugin DeployWP Plugin Deploy

VSCode Firefox Debug

A plugin extension that connects Visual Studio Code to Firefox DevTools. It provides convenience to performe advanced debugging in Firefox. You can set breakpoints, logging, variables output right from your Visual Studio Code.

VSCode Firefox DebugVSCode Firefox Debug

Github Mobile

Github has finally launced it’s first mobile: Github Mobile. With the app, you can manage notificatio, collaborate, as well as search and browse repositories. Github Mobile app is in public beta phase and only avaiable in iOS. You can sign-up to get the invitation to install the app.

Github MobileGithub Mobile

PHP Cheat Sheet

A huge collection of cheatsheet for PHP. We can find cheatsheet for Comparison, Arithmetic (+, -, etc.) and a lot more. We can switch from PHP5 to the latest PHP7 version to see

PHP Cheat SheetPHP Cheat Sheet


Built on top of Jest, Frisby is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to test API endpoint calls. You can check the call status code, respons headers, body content, etc.


International Telephone Input

A JavaScript library to add input field for international phone number. The input will provide the country list, the international code number, as well as provide the validation on the format number.

International Telephone InputInternational Telephone Input


An e-Commerce CMS built Laravel and Vue.js. It comes with a lot of features to run a professional e-Commerce platform including the product catalogue, sales management, access control, sales report, multi-store inventory, shipping and payment, SEO, and a lot more. I think this could be a good alternative to Magento



Typecho is a simple blogging platform built with PHP. It reminds me of the good old days with WordPress, and in fact can be a good alternative if you’d like to host just a blog.



A desktop application of macOS to access and view Redis data with convenience similar to the phpMyAdmin for MySQL. The app can be downloaded from the App Store.



A huge collection of services and tool that provide free tier of their service. This is a good resource to look at, if you’d like run an online business on budget. Or, if you have business that also provide free tier, you can submit yours to FremiumCC as well.



An online tool to encrypt and decrypt almost any type of files. You can simply upload the file to encrypt the file. HatSH will provide the unique key which then you can use to decrypt the file.



Chatwoot was initially built as business for live chat support system, but did not take off well. The team decided to open the project. Now everyone can install live chat application in your own server


Typed TailwindCSS

An extension to implement static type to TailwindCSS with TypeScript. In React.js, you can write something like Tw().text32().font500() to increase the font size and font-weight. The static type from TypeScript allows will provide better autocompletion when writing the styles and catch error earlier.

Typed TailwindCSSTyped TailwindCSS


A JavaScript library to add interactivity to an HTML element. With this, you can rorate, transform, skew, resize, drag, snap, grouping elements, and a lot more. A perfect library to build an online graphic editor.


The post Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (December 2019) appeared first on Hongkiat.

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