Friday, January 3, 2020

Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (January 2020)

We are now officially starting a new decade, and with that also we’ve also brought you a handful of new resources for our web developers. In this round of the series we have quite a lot of applications and tools for Windows users. For example, we have a Launcher app similar to Alfred in macOS, a beautiful modern text editor with Markdown and diff features, and a utility tools to improve Windows for power users.

So without further ado, let’s check them out.


A utility package that provides more convenience for developers when developing with Laravel. It allows to generate components such as a Model, Controller, Event, Routes, and Blade Template in just a single line of command. It’s a great time saver.

White Blueprint text on a blue backgroundWhite Blueprint text on a blue background


A collection of utilities developed by Microsoft itself which will improve Windows user experience. It adds so called “FancyZone” that allows you to manage complex window layouts and position. It will also add so called “PowerRename” which allows you to rename file in the Window UI in a batch. It is currently in active development so expect more advanced features to come.

PowerToys can be installed through “Choco”, the package manager for Windows, with this command choco install powertoys.

PowerToys logo on a gray backgroundPowerToys logo on a gray background


If you’ve just switched from macOS to Windows, you might’ve missed a utility program like Spotlight or Alfred which makes navigating your computer faster and helps streamlining repetitive workflows. In Windows, you can use this program called Wox. It allows you to search everything from files, folders, applications, UWP, and search in Google. You can install the add-ons to extend its capability.

Input search and search result on Wox applicationInput search and search result on Wox application

NVM Windows

The nvm CLI (Command Line Interface) allows you to manage, install, and switch multiple Node.js versions easily in your computer. The nvm CLI only works in Linux and macOS platform. If you’d like to install it in Windows, this is the CLI, you’ll need to install instead.

NVM runs on Windows Commander applicationNVM runs on Windows Commander application


A terminal emulator and system monitor that looks like the one in sci-fi movie. It’ll make you three times cooler!

Dark interface with a clock, virutal folders and keyboardDark interface with a clock, virutal folders and keyboard


A macOS application to manage Github notifications and activities. With this app, you can review relevant informations multiple repositories before opening the notification such as the comment, issue/pull request status, release description, etc.

List of github notifications on a dark backgroundList of github notifications on a dark background


An app for Windows to capture a screen session and screenshots. It comes with all the necessities to create proper screencast, such as the ability to capture regions or particular screens, capture mouse and keystores, and capture webcam. Did I mention that you can get it for free?

Captura application runs on WindowsCaptura application runs on Windows

Spicetify CLI

A handy CLI to customize your Spotify desktop app. With this, you can change the whole UI colors, inject your own CSS, as well as enable or disable certain features.

Custom Spotifify desktop application UI in white and orange colorCustom Spotifify desktop application UI in white and orange color


A beautiful text editor for Windows with modern features. It has built-in Markdown support with the preview, built-in tab UI, diff feature so you can compare changes, and a CLI for power users so you’re able to launch the app from the command line or PowerShell with notepads command.

The Notedpads application with dark UI runs on WindowsThe Notedpads application with dark UI runs on Windows


An GUI application to manage Let’s Encrypt certificate for Windows/IIS server. It allows to request, install and renew free SSL certificates.

Certify UI in white and green colorCertify UI in white and green color


A desktop application for comparing file difference for Windows. It allows you to view what’s changed between from a file, compare them with one or two other files simulataniously and merge the changes. Not only text files, you can also compare image, and the whole directories including the sub-directories. It’s free.

WinMerge application comapring two filesWinMerge application comapring two files


An NPM desktop application to manage NPM dependencies. You can install, uninstall, and update of these dependencies with clicks. If you’re more comfortable working with a GUI (Graphic User Interface) rather the NPM CLI, this is the app you can install. It’s works closs-platform, in Windows, macOS and Linux.

Luna application run on Windows showing a list of NPM packageLuna application run on Windows showing a list of NPM package

WP JS Plugin Starter

A plugin starter to create WordPress plugin with modern setup and practices. The project already includes a pre-configured setup to create a Gutenberg Block. Developed by Riad Benguella who, at the moment of the writing, is one of the key developers in Gutenberg project.

WP JS Plugin Starter Github repositoryWP JS Plugin Starter Github repository

CSS Houdini

In this video, Una Kravets presents the future of CSS with so called CSS Houdini which will completely change the way we write CSS. Una Kravets provides a couple of cool examples on CSS Houdini capability in this presentation. Check it out!

Speaker presenting CSS Houdini presentationSpeaker presenting CSS Houdini presentation


Nebular is a sturdy frameworks and design system for Angular. As commonly with with a framwework, it contains components like the buttons, tabs, menu, layouts, inputs, etc. On top of these components, it also provides Authentication components such as one to use Login, and Logout page.

Ilustration of Nebular application in Ilustration of Nebular application in


Not sure what to name your variable, use Codelf. It’s kind of search-engine except it will specifically search GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab and find you real example of variable naming.

A search input on white background.A search input on white background.

Puppeteer Recorder

A Chrome extension to record your browser interaction and turn it into a Puppeteer script. It’s a time saver to to setup an End-to-end testing with Puppeteer.

Puppeteer Recorder UIPuppeteer Recorder UI

Browser Extension Boilerplate

A pre-configured setup to build a cross-browser browser extension. You can write the code once and deploy it to Firefox, Chrome, and Opera.

Example of browser extension UI on Chrome, Firefox, and OperaExample of browser extension UI on Chrome, Firefox, and Opera


Altair is GraphQL client where you can perform requet to GraphQL server and see the output from returned. You can install it as a browser extension or install it as an desktop app in Windows, macOS and Linux.

Altari user interface in dark and green color.Altari user interface in dark and green color.

Notifier for Github

Another useful Chrome extension for developers. This extension improves the Github Notification system. It’ll show the number of notification you have loading website and forward it to the browser Push Notification. A handy extension for developer who manage multiple repository in the browser.

Chrome browser with the Notifier for Github extension showing 1 notification in blue colorChrome browser with the Notifier for Github extension showing 1 notification in blue color

The post Fresh Resources for Web Designers and Developers (January 2020) appeared first on Hongkiat.

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