Wednesday, July 13, 2022

NCCCO Foundation Announces New Executive Director

T.J Cantwell, Executive Director, NCCCO Foundation.

Thomas (“T.J.”) Cantwell has been named Executive Director of the NCCCO Foundation. He will take over from current chief executive, Graham Brent, on August 1. As previously announced, Brent will retire from the Foundation at the end of July.

Cantwell is currently Administrator (Executive Director) of the Physical Therapy Compact Commission headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. He brings to the Foundation more than twenty years of non-profit management experience. Cantwell holds a BA in government and history from the University of Virginia and a Master of Public Policy from American University.

“T.J. was selected from an exceptionally strong field of candidates,” said NCCCO Foundation President Garry Higdem, who chaired the Executive Search Committee. “We are confident that his passion for education, workforce development and veterans transition issues, along with his extensive national non-profit management background, will serve the Foundation well in its pursuit of its stated safety and education goals.”

“T.J. is exactly the experienced and highly self-motivated individual we were looking for,” said Brent. “And his demonstrated expertise in developing industry outreach and forging strategic alliances with national organizations will be extremely valuable in furthering the Foundation’s mission in its advocacy for safety education and access by youth, military personnel, and underserved communities to the crane and rigging and associated industries.”

It was also clear, Brent noted, that Cantwell’s experience with non-profit organizations engaged in activities as diverse as building materials supply, transportation, and disaster relief had impressed upon him the value in following safety procedures and adopting best workplace practices.

An executive transition program that would ensure a smooth and seamless executive transition to new leadership had already been put in place and would unfold over the coming weeks, Brent added.

—Press Release

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