Monday, July 11, 2022

PRINTING United Alliance Announces TAGA Tech Talks Virtual Event

TAGA Tech TalksGAPRINTING United Alliance announces TAGA Tech Talks, a free, two-part webinar series addressing two important issues affecting the printing and graphic arts industry: life cycle assessment (LCA) and expanded color gamut (ECG). Top industry thought leaders will offer insight on each day of the event, held from 2-3:30 p.m. ET on July 19 and 21. Registration is now available online.

This free industry event is jam-packed with cutting-edge industry information,” says Joe Marin, Senior VP, education and training, PRINTING United Alliance. “The two live panel sessions and access to recorded presentations of TAGA technical papers are a ‘can’t miss’ for those companies that want to stay on top of new print technology and research.”

TAGA Tech Talks, July 19: Life Cycle Assessment Panel Discussion

The first webinar takes place on July 19 as a panel discussion covering LCA, a systematic analysis of the potential environmental impacts of products or services during their life cycle. The session will also cover how LCA data can influence consumer buying habits, boost investor confidence, and serve as the basis for informative business decisions. During this session, LCA subject matter experts will discuss basic questions such as when to consider conducting an LCA and the benefits of completing this assessment for consumer products and services.

Panelists for this session include:

  • Gary Jones, director, environmental, health, and safety affairs, PRINTING United Alliance
  • Nikola Juhasz, global technical director, sustainability, Sun Chemical
  • Dr. Christoph Koffler, technical director, sustainability, Sphera
TAGA Tech Talks, July 21: Effective Implementation of Expanded Color Gamut

On July 21, TAGA Tech Talks will cover ECG, a graphic reproduction approach that utilizes additional colors beyond CMYK to reproduce colors usually outside of the CMYK color range (or gamut). This session will consist of three presentations covering an overview of ECG technology, implementation in prepress and the pressroom, and the challenges with (and solutions for) how to best optimize the planning and layout of print forms to enable print service providers to fully maximize the benefits from this breakthrough technology.

Panelists for this session include:

  • Andreas Kraushaar, head of the media prepress department, FOGRA
  • Marek Skrzynski, VP technology & innovation, CSW Inc.
  • Nick Shore, senior VP, operations, Max Solutions
  • Stephen Witkowski, VP, operations, Max Solutions

TAGA Tech Talk attendees will receive access to eleven recorded TAGA Papers from this year’s conference covering advances in packaging, materials and print processes, workflow, printed electronics, and other areas.

—Press Release

The post PRINTING United Alliance Announces TAGA Tech Talks Virtual Event appeared first on Sign Builder Illustrated, The How-To Sign Industry Magazine.

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